We are excited to offer new $5 fitness classes to help you reach your weight loss goals! Here is a brief explanation of what each $5 fitness class will focus on:
Kick Line Training
Kick Line Training: A high kick power class that will get them conditioned for kick line. Dream of having beautiful high kicks? The only way to build high kick strength is to train correctly and what better way than to our power Kick Line Training class!
Flexibility/Core Conditioning
flexibility and core training class. Usually done barefoot. Yoga mats are optional. We stretch the body slowly from head to toe and pound our midsection to tighten and tone!
Ballet Fit
A ballet barre workout that incorporates basic ballet moves and pushes to get your heart racing. You do not have to be a ballet god or goddess. Just follow along and bring a towel for all the sweat you will leave on the floor!
Dance Technique